Thousands of IDPs Need Food in Pinlaung Township


By Kantarawaddy Times

About 6,000 people who have fled to Pinlaung Township to escape the war in Pekon and Mobye, where they lived in southern Shan State, urgently need humanitarian assistance.

“Most of the displaced need food. Some are staying with their relatives, but the majority are living in internally displaced persons (IDPs) camps” where they also require materials for shelters male volunteer.

Most of the displaced camps are in Nam Hper Mu, Kon Paw, Ho Hpeh, South Soung Nam, and North Soung Nam.

Volunteers say no one has come to bring them humanitarian aid. Since they have no tarpaulins, the IDPs are using old sacks as shelter for their huts.

All of the people were displaced after the Karenni resistance launched the 1111 Operation on November 11 to force out regime soldiers from the Pekon area and Loikaw, the capital town of Karenni State.


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