Khoon Clai Free
Zaw Myo Lwin, aged 26, spent seven years and four months in prison as a young man. At the age of 19, his life was wasted in prison due to his choice of doing illegal drug black-market. He realized the time to repay for the unconscious mistake is not that easy.
His life was quite devastated being away from family for so many years. But he said the repent which he learnt is just the consciousness he regretted late. Lastly he could have rejoined with his family meal after overcoming the long days of grief.
“I am pretty happy spending back my life with my family.”
He asserted his confession that it was because of love. After taken 10th matriculation exam, his life turned to worked as a car driver-assistant, and he was also bitterly refused by his girl’s aunt on their love affair; the aunt said, “I cannot agree you with my niece if you are just like this. And you did not pass the tenth grade too.” This refuse became one of the most poisonous arrows that pierced Zaw Myo Lwin’s young chest.
The idea that money can change a person could never get out of his head. Lastly, the way he found how to make plenty of money easily was the illegal drug market.
People cannot always be lucky. He was arrested by police on his way to Naypyidaw for trafficking of Yama (also known as WY) pills. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison for drug trafficking and license without motorcycle. This incidence is the case happened in the past on February 22, 2013.

“I thought I was brave enough to take a risk. In fact, what I expected and what actually happened to me was unimaginable incidence.”
Fortunately, he got amnesty once in Thein Sein’s government and once in the NLD government, a quarter of the amnesty was granted, and he was able to return home early.
There is action being taken against drug cases and controlled by the Public Administration Group of Kayan New Land Party (KNLP), at Zaw Myo Lwin’s inhabited area in the Central Kayan region, Phekone Township.
“If the arrested people are also involved in drug trafficking or if they used it, we keep them in jail for a week,” said Bo Kaung, the Secretary of township No.2, KNLP.
The KNLP has also set up a drug rehabilitation camp at the mountains. It is a camp for drug addicts.
Zaw Myo Lwin, who was released from prison on last April 17, 2020, did home quarantine at his family home for 21 days. In prison, he said, there was also awareness about the COVID-19 infection disease.
While he was in prison, he made a list of the things he wanted to do when he would be released and returned to the outside world. Those are to make a living by choosing one of them – (1) car dealer, (2) car driver, or (3) kitchen foods seller. As a person released from prison, he feels that he could not have much capital and could not have full trust of the community.
“Even I have small investment about one or two lakh kyats and a motorbike, I can start the business. It will also be my own business.”
He chose the business of selling fresh vegetables. He started his business with the saving received from ICRC (Red Cross Team) for his release travel allowance when he returned from prison plus the additional saving, 50,000 kyats, received when his family visited him in prison. “I also had to borrow a little more from my mom.”
“On his behalf, I am very ecstatic that he repented of his past sins and resumed his life with legal business,” U Doe, an artist living in the same village, commented.
Besides, he advises people to do their business honestly and with integrity as there are drug dealers and users in the Kayan region.
Zaw Myo Lwin, who is selling his fresh vegetables with a motorbike, is determined to be able to travel with a car in the future and hoping to open his own grocery store. He also has eager to help implementing village library which is not started yet in their village.

“It was surrounded in all surface with brick walls. It is surrounded by thorns. Armed guards are patrolling us. We have to live under the iron pole and doors.”
He said neither the God nor his mom can save the mistakes of a young man who unconsciously committed the illegal business due to his indomitable spirit for his love lose.
He had lost the freedom which could not be afforded. He had lost the warmth of his family. He also had lost the opportunity of youth.