Resistance Seize Crucial Regime Positions Outside Pekon Town


By Kantarawaddy Times

Resistance forces have seized Shwe Pyi Aye camp and Loipata hilltop camp from State Administration Council (SAC) next to Pekon in southern Shan State, gaining control over crucial roads leading to the town.

Anticipating SAC airstrikes, the armed groups have requested that civilians who have been displaced by fighting for months not immediately return to the town or to the surrounding areas, including Mobye town, which is only 10 miles from Pekon. The military regime already fires artillery every day at Pekon and Mobye towns.

A Mobye man told Kantarawaddy Times, “Resistance groups won’t allow people to return home. However, some have returned to collect belongings like rice, paddy seeds, warm clothing, and other things.” He said the weather is very cold.

The armed groups captured the strategic camps after attacking the regime from December 23-25.

Fighting in southern Shan state near the border of Karenni State and in Loikaw, the capital of Karenni State, has escalated since Karenni groups launched the 1111 Operation on November 11. Several other SAC camps and outposts have been seized by the groups in both states.


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