Residents of Hpruso IDP Camp Face Hunger as Deliveries Stop for Months


By Kantarawaddy Times

Civilians displaced by the war in Hpruso Township have completely run out of food, including what they’ve been saving after no groups have come to replenish their supplies for several months.

“They are really facing hardship at this time, and we’re really concerned about how they will survive in the future,” a male volunteer helping residents of Inndaw camp in Karenni State told Kantarawaddy Times. He said all of their rice, dried fish, cooking oil, and salt have been used up.

“Most of IDPs can’t work on their farm” and for those that can, the food they grow and the money they earn are not enough, he said, explaining that everyone is dependent on assistance from donors.

The last time the committee for internally displaced persons (IDPs) distributed food rations to them was in September, and even then, not all of the 800 from 185 families received aid. As connectivity isn’t available in the township or in much of Karenni State, it is difficult to initiate a fundraising campaign to generate much-needed revenue. At the same time, the military regime has blocked all major roads into the state, depriving it of food and fuel deliveries.


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