Military Troops Launch Operation in Pruso Village, Killed Local Cows for Rations


By Kantarawaddy Times

On July 24, soldiers from the military regime’s No. 14 Advanced Military Training School in Pruso Township fired on and confiscated cows from a nearby village for their meat.

Roughly 50 soldiers conducted a raid, firing on more than 10 cows and taking the meat, according to a village official.

“This time during the raid, they shot more than 10 cows. Specifically, I can confirm at least 10 were killed,” the official said.

The junta soldiers forced two villagers who were herding the cattle to return home before they proceeded to kill and take the cows.

The soldiers split into three groups, with some dressed in civilian clothes, as observed by locals.

According to locals, local defense forces in eastern Pruso Township engaged the junta troops in a firefight, preventing them from completely taking the meat. The junta troops eventually withdrew.

After the junta troops withdrew, villagers returned to the scene and found six cattle dead, some partially butchered.

“We found six cows dead. Five cows were butchered and cut up for meat. The other one, we got the meat back,” a villager said.

The military typically conducts such raids monthly, previously shooting and taking up to three cows per raid, according to locals.

In another nearby village, within two months, nine cows have gone missing, according to a local woman.

“Our village is very close to the military base, so if the cows go beyond a certain point, we can’t follow them. We have to keep a close watch. But in the last two months, nine cows have gone missing,” the woman said.

Military camps remain in Pruso Township, with soldiers frequently venturing out to hunt and kill livestock in the surrounding areas to supplement their food supply.

A village near the No. 14 military camp in Pruso Township reported that they have lost at least 30 cattle since the junta seized power. This village has approximately 100 households and raises over 300 cattle.


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