Malaria & Flu Outbreak Spreading In Karenni State


By Kantarawaddy Times

Malaria cases, along with the seasonal flu, are spreading in townships in Karenni State, posing challenges for health workers who are already working well beyond their capacity due to the war and displacement of large segments of the population.

“Many people in Karenni State are suffering from both the seasonal flu and malaria,” a healthcare worker told Kantarawaddy Times. With many different healthcare programs throughout the state not working in tandem, she said it’s difficult to ascertain how many people are sick in the region.

“The data is scattered among different health organizations working in other areas, making it difficult to compile. However, from what I know, many people are affected,” she said.

Malaria disappeared from Karenni State five years ago, the person said, but since July, it’s been making a comeback in Burma’s smallest state.

Cases of both illnesses have been reported in Loikaw, Hpasawng and Hpruso townships, she said, “there’s a possibility it may spread to other areas as well. We are making efforts to provide local people with medicine.”

Unlike the flu, Malaria is not contagious, but the wet season has arrived, and many people are taking refuge in the jungle due to the Military Council’s escalated airstrikes on civilian villages.

Regarding fatalities, the source acknowledged that some people have died from these diseases but couldn’t say how many.

Another female health worker corroborated that the illnesses have also spread to Loikaw, Hpasawng, Hpruso, and Demoso townships. She expressed concerns about the lack of sufficient medicine for the internally displaced people, who are vulnerable to these diseases.


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