Naw Dway Eh Khu
The Executive Officer of Development Affairs Committee U Than Tun said all the markets in Loikaw Township will be opened only three days per week, and they are spraying the disinfectant chemicals on the rest days.
U Than Tun said due to the outbreak of COVID-19 over the globe, they set Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday as market days, and spraying the disinfectant chemical the rest days which they have the antiseptic spraying project at the densely crowded areas like the markets.
It says the Development Affairs staffs mainly take responsibility on spraying the disinfectant chemical, and sometimes the local charity associations help spraying it.
Thiri Mingalar Market (Taung Zay), Kandarawaddy 2-floor Market will be opened only three days: Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, and they will allow the Naung Yar Market to open as usual, which the Naung Yar market opens once per five days.
This change, three days a week, was announced officially to the citizens in previous March 31st.
It also says they allow to sell the food and vegetable outside Thiri Mingalar Market (Taung Zay) in order the citizens to buy comfortably it without any difficulties.
U Than Tun continued saying that the outside sell means the shops sold outside. They do not allow the shops to open inside the market zone. They do like this to facilitate and reduce the difficulties of the daily customers.
It says although most of the sellers understand with the change that the Taung Zay Market is opened only three days per week, some sellers are worrying it will impact to their living.