The Karenni State Farmers Association said it condemned the arrests, which took place in the middle of the night.
Two farmers were arrested in the Karenni State capitalLoikaw on Friday night in connection with a land dispute with the Burma Army.According to local sources, the two men are being held at theLoikawMyoma police station and have been chargedunder Section 6 of the Public Property Protection Act.

The two detainees were identified as KoeRehSoeNyunt, who is a member of the Kayah[Karenni] State Peace Law Enforcement Committee, and SharReh, who is a farmer.
“The updated information is that they will be charged under Section 6(1), but police may add other charges,” TuReh, a member of the Karenni State Farmers Association, toldKantarawaddy Times. Police arrested the farmers after they tried to remove concrete pillars setup by the army on confiscated farmland on Friday.
“As a farmers’ association, we condemnthe arrest. They are not criminals. They were arrested in the middle of the night. This action is not inline with democratic values. It should not be like this,” said TuReh.According toTuReh, the Karenni State Farmers Association will release a statement about the arrests and protest the move.
Kantarawaddy Times called the Loikaw Myoma police station for comment. A police officer on duty said the farmers were arrested in connection with a land dispute, but would provide no further details.