KNPP: NUG Must Negotiate With Organisations In Karenni State


By Kantarawaddy Times

Karenni State’s largest ethnic armed organisation told Burma’s parallel National Unity Government (NUG) to consult with local groups before attempting to install an administration in the region.

According to Daniel, the first secretary of the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP), local groups, including armed movements, must have the first say in the governance of Burma’s smallest state. ”After that, they (NUG) can negotiate with these organisations. The process is very simple,” he said.

The KNPP issued a statement in late April claiming that the interim government and the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) have disregarded the Federal Democratic Charter after the latter wanted to install an administration in Demawso Township.

Both groups were formed in part by National League for Democracy MPs ousted during last year’s coup.

After a year of conflict with the regime’s armed forces, the township has largely come under the control of Karenni resistance groups, including the armed wing of the KNPP, the Karenni Army, as have many rural areas in the state.

In response to the KNPP’s letter of objection, the NUG, in a statement on 6 May, promised not to interfere with the Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC), which was formed by local groups, including the KNPP.

“NUG will not interrupt the administrative affairs in the ethnic state. We will work with them. If they need anything, we will help them,” said Hte Bu, NUG’s deputy minister of interior and immigration ministry. According to the charter, the ethnic organisations can govern their state with their traditional administrative system and the NUG promises to work with them, he said.

Hte Bu told Kantarawaddy Times the misunderstanding was not NUG’s fault. CRPH wanted to establish a ‘people’s administration’ before the formation of the interim government.

“NUG and CRPH will issue new directives. NUG will negotiate with KSCC.”


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