IEC Says Starlink Internet Providers Will Be Held Accountable for Accepting Online Gambling Users


By Kantarawaddy Times

The Interim Executive Council (IEC) will hold Starlink internet providers accountable for accepting online gambling users in Kayah State. This comes as the IEC is taking effective measures to crack down on online gambling activities within the state.

U Banya, Vice Secretary of the IEC, stated that internet service providers will be subject to restrictions. He emphasized the importance of social responsibility for businesses and that they are accountable for their actions, particularly when those actions can lead to negative consequences.

“We are planning to impose restrictions on internet service providers. The nature of business is that they can operate for the public, but they also have a responsibility to the public for their business operations. This is what we call social responsibility. They must bear some responsibility for the social consequences. In the area of social responsibility, if they know that online gambling can cause harm, hardship, or even financial ruin, then they must take responsibility for it. We have plans in place to discuss and address this issue,” said U Banya.

A rule of law enforcement plan issued on September 4th banned all forms of online gambling. IT is also reported that the IEC has instructed all relevant departments to block access to online gambling platforms. Additionally, the IEC has implemented a gambling law that permits the imprisonment of individuals found engaging in online gambling activities.

Under Article 19 (a) of the gambling law, those found guilty of engaging in online gambling face imprisonment ranging from a minimum of 6 months to a maximum of 1 year, along with a fine. Additionally, Article 20 (a) of the same law states that those found guilty of lending or providing financial support to online gambling activities could face imprisonment ranging from a minimum of 1 year to a maximum of 3 years, along with a fine.
Online gambling includes a wide range of games such as slot games, fishing games, card games, buffalo games, cockfighting games, and others. These activities are now subject to prosecution under the newly enacted law.

While the city of Loikaw has internet access, most of Karenni State, including the surrounding townships, lack phone and internet connectivity. This has led to residents relying heavily on Starlink internet. Starlink internet providers and their locations have become popular spots for young individuals engaging in online gambling.

“There have been cases where young people are taking loans to gamble and ending up with more debt. They keep playing to pay off their debt;but, the debt just keeps piling up,” said a Karenni State resident, regarding on the issue of online gambling amongst the youth.

Following the issuance of the rule of law enforcement plan on September 4th, the IEC announced that awareness-raising campaigns would be conducted until September 24th. These campaigns are currently ongoing.

From September 25th onward, the IEC will authorize its Task Force and Special Force to take legal action against violators of the ban.


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