Doctors and Medical Supplies Needed in Somo Pray Soe Lay (Shandaw) Township


By Kantarawaddy Times

In Somo Pray Soe Leh Township (also known as Shadaw Township) in Karenni State, there is an urgent need for doctors with medical expertise and sufficient medical supplies to provide healthcare for both the local population and displaced people. A local youth volunteer involved in healthcare services reported the situation.

At the end of September, a newborn’s death occurred due to the lack of adequate medical care, a tragedy that could have been prevented, according to the youth volunteer.

“We recently witnessed the death of a baby who shouldn’t have died. The healthcare workers here did everything they could. But transportation is a major issue—there are no vehicles, and the roads are in poor condition. Communication networks are also unreliable. When a patient’s condition is critical, their families often can’t afford the costs, and because of logistical challenges, many patients have to be treated on-site, which sometimes leads to unfortunate outcomes,” the youth explained.

In recent days, malaria and skin diseases have become more common, and there is a shortage of essential medical supplies. Currently, there are 14 healthcare workers, including doctors and nurses participating in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM), providing medical care in the township.

Additionally, displaced residents in Somo Pray Soe Lay Township face significant challenges in transporting food supplies due to poor road infrastructure.

“The food supply is also an issue. Transporting goods involves multiple stages, and as a result, prices are skyrocketing. Displaced people are struggling to carry enough food to sustain themselves,” said Maw Meh Mo, the township administrator of Somo Pray Soe Lay.

There are three displacement camps in Somo Pray Soe Leh Township, sheltering nearly 500 households. With poor transportation networks and inadequate healthcare, both locals and displaced populations remain deeply concerned about their long-term well-being.


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