Allegations of Regime Using Chemical Weapons in Hpasawng


By Kantarawaddy Times

Resistance fighters in Hpasawng, Karenni State, have reported experiencing symptoms of dizziness, headaches, and vomiting after inhaling smoke from artillery shell explosions during clashes with Burma army forces.

Col Phone Naing, adjutant general of Karenni Army, stated that when they attacked the regime’s camps in the town, the enemy fired heavy and light weapons at them, causing the Karenni fighters to feel sick. He pointed out that the regime deployed these weapons after suffering many casualties.

“The exact nature of the chemical is unknown. Our soldiers cleaned themselves with water and acidic solutions to mitigate its effects. I don’t think its toxicity is very strong.”

Since late February, the resistance groups have been attempting to seize control of the town from the Military Council, which is currently occupied by Infantry Battalion (IB) 134 and 135, with reinforcements from Light Infantry Battalion 531, IB 1, and IB 14 under Brigade 66.

The Karenni Nationalities Defense Force, another one of the groups battling the regime, announced that the coalition of resistance forces had captured nine of their camps.


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