Military Junta Blocks Aid for IDPs in Shan State’s Nyaung Shwe, Pressuring Them to Return Home


By Kantarawaddy Times

In southern Shan State’s Nyaung Shwe Township, the military junta has been blocking aid distribution to displaced IDPs while simultaneously pressuring them to return to their homes, according to humanitarian aid workers.

“The military is cutting off food supplies to the IDPs. Their goal seems to be to force them back to their villages once they run out of food. As of now, some IDPs are still staying, but nearly half have already returned,” said a male humanitarian worker assisting the displaced communities.

The junta has reportedly issued orders prohibiting aid distribution to refugees. Additionally, security checkpoints have been confiscating and destroying relief supplies meant for displaced families.

Efforts to force Karenni refugees to return home have been ongoing since October of last year, with increasing pressure from the military authorities.

“For the past six months, authorities have been exerting indirect pressure rather than using direct force, creating conditions that make internally displaced persons (IDPs) feel compelled to return to their homes voluntarily,” explained one displaced man.

Providing humanitarian assistance to Karenni IDPs in Shan State has also become increasingly dangerous, according to Maw Pray Myar, the chairperson of the Karenni National Women’s Organization (KNWO).

“We can say that displaced people in other states are also suffering without cause. As they are not yet ready to return home, staying in Shan State remains perilous—they live in constant fear of attacks from the military junta’s militia, informants, and spies of the State Administration Council (SAC). Furthermore, those providing humanitarian aid are also facing significant security risks,” she told Kantarawaddy Times.

Following the junta’s restrictions on aid distribution, the food security situation for displaced people is expected to deteriorate further, she added.

In addition to facing pressure to return home, Karenni IDPs in Nyaungshwe Township are also being forcibly recruited into the military, putting them in an increasingly dire situation.


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