Rumors Indicate Possible Forced Return of Loikaw IDPs in Nyaung Shwe by Next Summer


Kantarawaddy Times

In southern Shan State’s Nyaung Shwe, displaced individuals from Loikaw who fled to the town may be repatriated by the military council as early as next summer. Reports from local Loikaw residents suggest that the authorities plan to cover transportation costs and facilitate their return.

According to one male of an IDP family from Loikaw currently in Nyaung Shwe, local administrators have been gathering lists of displaced residents from Loikaw.

“We heard they’re collecting information on Loikaw people. They say that when school breaks for the summer, they’ll cover the travel costs to send us back,” he explained.

While some families have already returned to Loikaw, many remain displaced. Though some want to return, they fear the ongoing security and livelihood challenges, according to local sources.

Additionally, reports indicate that the military council has restricted humanitarian groups from providing aid to displaced people in Nyaung Shwe.

“They’re saying they’ll cover transportation but at the same time, they’re blocking aid groups from reaching Nyaung Shwe IDPs,” shared a Loikaw resident living in Nyaung Shwe.

While residents have started resettling in parts of Loikaw, the town still suffers from prolonged electricity shortages, a local added.


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